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US DOT Future of Transportation Summit

List of Posters

The posters listed below will be available for display and presentation throughout the day around the atrium within the US DOT HQ, where the FoT Summit will be held.

The posters are sorted by the name of the UTC presenting the poster. Posters from both the FAST Act UTCs and the BIL UTCs are listed together. A map depicting the physical layout of the poster locations will be available at the Summit registration desk.

Poster presenters: Please contact your UTC Director for guidance on which day of the Summit (s)he would like your poster to be presented. The decision is left to the discretion of your UTC Director.

IDUTC Posters
1Center for Advanced Infrastructure & Transportation (CAIT)
o Equity & Safety: Hand in Hand on the Road to Success – Todd Pisani
o Artificial Intelligence Aided Light Rail Grade Crossing Violation Detection and Data Analytics – Asim Zaman
2Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health (CARTEEH)
o Low Emissions and Clean Transit in the Rural and Tribal
Context – Jeremy Mattson
o Supporting the Future of Transportation Through Research and
Student Experiences – Mary Fox and Kanok Boriboonsomsin
o Transportation Electrification: Trucks, Freight, and Beyond Tara Ramani
3Center for Assured & Resilient Navigation in Advanced Transportation System (CARNATIONS)
o Monitoring GNSS Radio Frequency Interference for Safe Transportation – Mathieu Joerger
o Optimal INS Monitor Against GNSS Spoofer Tracking Error Detection – Birendra Kujur
o Integrity of Urban Driverless Vehicle Navigation with Multi-Sensor Integration: A Case Study in Down – Kana Nagai
4Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal AssurEd Navigation (CARMEN+)
o GPS Interference Detection, Mitigation, and Alternative Positioning, Navigation, and Timing – Zak Kassas
o Highly Automated Vehicle Oriented Cybersecurity and Position, Navigation, and Timing – Keith Redmill
o Tracking Connected and Autonomous Supply Chain Assets in
Cyber-Compromised Environments – Vicki Deguzman
5Center for Climate-Smart Transportation (CCST)
o Comparative VMT and GHG Emissions Generated by 722 Mixed
Use Developments in 37 Regions of the U.S. – Justice Tuffour
6Center for Connected and Automated Transportation (CCAT) Regional UTC
o Are we ready to share again? – Ricardo Chahine and Nadia
o A Cooperative Perception System for Aiding CAVs Navigation and Improving Safety – Yiheng Feng
o Traffic Light Optimization with Low Penetration Rate Vehicle
Trajectory Data – Zachary Jerome
7Center for Connected Multimodal Mobility (C2M2)
Performance Degradation Prediction and Channel Switching in Vehicular Network Under Harsh Weather – Jian Liu
8Center for Durable and Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (DuRe-Transp)
o Extending the Lifespan of Concrete via Alkali-Silica Reaction
Mitigation – Panagiotis Danoglidis
o Performance of Nontraditional Natural Pozzolans (NNPs) in
Concrete Field Mixtures – Bibigul Zhaksybay
9Center for Equitable Transit Oriented Communities (CETOC)
o What Makes Affordable Housing Affordable: Mechanisms Used to Produce Affordable Housing Near Transit – Justyna Kaniewska
o A Longitudinal Analysis of Light Rail Transit’s Land-Use Multiplier Effect in Three Regions – Andrew Tritch
o Shared Micromobility as a First- and Last-Mile Transit Solution? Insights from a Novel Dataset – Xiang (Jacob) Yan
10Center for Freight Transportation for Efficient & Resilient Supply Chain (FERSC)
o Delivery Deserts: Mapping, Understanding, and Overcoming
Service Challenges – Marcella Kaplan
o Optimization of Intermodal Freight Transportation: A Case Study of the U.S. Southwest Supply Chain – Mingzhou Jin
o Modeling and Understanding the Prospect of Middle-mile
Logistics Automation – Bo Zou
11Center for Integrated Asset Management for Multimodal Transportation Infrastructure Systems (CIAMTIS)
o Surface Treatment Methods for Enhanced Properties of Recycled Aggregate Concrete – Izhar Ahmad
o Maryland Bridge Health: Data- Driven Modeling – Zeinab Bandpey
o Two-Stage Vision-Based FHWA-13 Vehicle Classification – Fei Dai
12Center for Multi-Modal Mobility (CMMM)
o Feasibility Analysis of Linking Mobile Device Location Data with Travel Surveys  – Mohammad Al-khasawneh
o Tackling EV Adoption Challenges: Insights from Refueling Behavior Analysis – Asal Mehditabrizi
o E-Bike Incidents Unwheeled: A Novel LLM Approach for Text Analysis – Darshan Pandit
13Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety (CPBS)
o Center for Pedestrian and Bicyclist Safety – Nicholas Ferenchak
14Center for Social and Economic Mobility for People and Communities through Transportation (SEMPACT)
o Protection Technologies for Bridges Against Overheight Impact –
Anil Agrawal
o Predicting Urban Stormwater Flooding Using Geomorphic Information – Michel Boufadel and Viravid Na Nagara
o Signal Optimization and Coordination Techniques for Urban Congestion Relief – Abolfazl Karimpour
15Center for Transformative Infrastructure Preservation and Sustainability (CTIPS)
o Fusion and Future: The Role of Multi-Sensory Systems in Preserving Multimodal Transportation Assets – Raj Bridgelall
o Developing an Automated Systems for Establishing Passing and No-Passing Zones on Two-Lane Highways – Khaled Ksaibati
o Indian Nations Traffic Injury Prevention – Kimberly Vachal
16Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE)
o Exploring the Role of Composite Mangroves in Safeguarding
Coastal Infrastructures Against Erosion – Ayush Kumar
17Connected Cities for Smart Mobility towards Accessible and Resilient Transportation (C2Smart) Center
o Development of Guidelines for Implementing the Flipped Left
Diamond Interchange Design – Mehdi Azimi
18Cooperative Mobility for Competitive Megaregions (CM2)
o Assessing Changes to Federal and State Law for Megaregion
Planning – Lisa Loftus-Otway and Ming Zhang
o Megaregional Evacuation and Post-Disaster Re-entry – Brian
Wolshon and Ming Zhang
o The Distributive Impacts of the U.S. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law – Ming Zhang
19Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern (ERTC3)
o Traffic Congestion and Asthma-related Hospital Visits in Texas –
Mei Yang
o Sorption and Leaching of PFAS and AFFF Impacted Concretes –
Megan Hart
o Nexus of Electric Vehicle Market and Community Health: Empirical Evidence and Analysis in Washington – Jia Li
20Freight Mobility Research Institute (FMRI)
o Freight Impacts Resulting from Increased Online Shopping,
o Delivery Demands, Returns, and Last Mile Preferences – Evangelos Kaisar
o An Interactive Web-based Platform for Freight Data Analytics – Evangelos Kaisar
21Mid-America Transportation Center for Safety & Equity (MATC-SCE)
o Mid-America Transportation Center for Transportation Safety and Equity – Aemal Khattak
o Advancement of Gender Equity in Evaluation of Roadside Safety Hardware – Brandon Perry
22Mineta Consortium for Reliable, Efficient, and Sustainable Transportation (MCEEST)
o Planning for Advanced Air Mobility: Leveraging Local and Regional Planning – Adam Cohen
o What Do Americans Think About Federal Tax Options to Support Transportation? 15 Years of Public Opinion – Hilary Nixon
o Powering Our Nation: Building the Transportation Talent Pipeline of the Future – Karen Philbrick
23National Center for Infrastructure Transformation (NCIT)
o A Smart IoT-Based Monitoring System of Earthen Slope – Md
Jobair Bin Alam
o Integrating Equity into Transportation Asset Management: Identifying Metrics and Challenges – Vassiliki
o Use of Innovative Geosynthetics to Improve the Resiliency of Highway Embankment Slopes Under Extreme – Shanmukha Sai Avinash Gonnabathula
o Strategies to Improve Cracking Performance of Asphalt Mixtures with High RAP Content – Peyton Hofferichter
o Necessary Infrastructure Accommodations for Automated Trucks and Truck Platoons – Bill Prieto
24National Center for Sustainable Transportation (NCST)
o From Per Gallon to Per Mile: Equity and Public Opinion Around Transportation Funding Streams – Clare Nelson
o Assessing Bike-Transit Accessibility – Tanner (Reid) Passmore
25National Center for Transportation Cybersecurity and Resiliency (TraCR)
o Impact of Cyber Attacks on Traffic State Estimation for
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles Systems – Eunhan Ka
o Adversarial Booking Attack for Autonomous On-Demand
Mobility Services – Zengxiang Lei
26National Center for Understanding Future Travel Behavior and Demand (TBD)
o Pedestrian Crash Frequency: Unpacking the Effects of Contributing Factors and Racial Disparities – Angela Haddad
o Telemedicine Adoption Before/After COVID: The Role of Socioeconomic and Built Environment Variables – Angela Haddad
o A Data Dashboard for Behavioral Insights: A Focus on Time, Travel, and Telework – Irfan Batur
27New England University Transportation Center (NEUTC)
o Welcome to NEUTC! – Mike Knodler
o Does do we learn about ADAS: Knowledge and Confidence about ADAS as a function of learning approach – Anuj Pradhan
o Spatiotemporal Trends in Pedestrian Crashes: Socio-Demographic Influence & COVID-19 Impact – Ali Shirazi
28Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium (PacTrans)
o Deep Learning-Based Dashcam Video Analysis for Roadway Safety Enhancement – Muhammad Karim
29Pacific Southwest Region (PSR) UTC
o Beyond the University: The Role of the UTC in Developing Industry-Driven Educational Pathways – Melissa (Missy) Blair and Tom O’Brien
o Sustainable and Efficient Goods Movement in Southern California – Marlon Boarnet
o Data-driven Urban Traffic Control – Ketan Savla
30Rural Equitable and Accessible Transportation (REAT) Center
o Detecting Turning Lane Features on Public Roadways from Aerial Images Using AI – Eren Ozguven
o Fostering a Transdisciplinary Transportation Workforce to Address Rural Transportation Workforce – Tsegai Yhdego
31Safety Research Using Simulation (SAFER-SIM)
o Driver Behavior by Interval at Pedestrian Hybrid Beacons Angelina Caggiano
32Safety Through Disruption (Safe-D) National UTC
o Impact of External Communication on Pedestrian-SAE L4 Automated Vehicles – Charlie Klauer
o Design and Deployment of a Multi-Incident Response Vehicle (MIRV) for Public Safety Interactions – Jean Paul Talledo Vilela
o An Examination of E-scooter Safety Using Naturalistic and Controlled Data Collection Methods – Elizabeth White
33Safety21 National UTC
o Co-designing Safety-Enhancing ADAS with Transit Operators Sarah Fox and Nikolas Martelaro
o Precipitation Threshold for Triggering Landslides & Enhancement of Transportation Safety – Atieh Hosseinizadeh
o Integrated Telematics, Computer Vision & Data Analytics for Crash Prevention of Heavy-Duty Vehicles – Pingbo Tang and Ava Jahanbiglari
o Using LiDAR, InSAR and Other Images in Identifying Potential Slope Failures – Adebayo Olude
o Social Digital Twin for Regional Transportation Networks – Sean Qian
o AI-Powered Predictive Analytics Tool for Proactive Traffic Management – Sean Qian
o Ohio State University Activities in the Safety21 UTC – Keith Redmill
o Complete Trip Support for Pedestrians with Disabilities – Stephen Smith
34Southern Plains Transportation Center (SPTC)
o Emissions Reduction and Durability of Sustainable Pavement Recycling and Stabilization Using Recycled Material – Anand Puppala
o Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) for Climate Resilient Culverts – Jaime Schussler
o Understanding Climate Emergencies of Rural and Tribal Areas using Sensors and Augmented Reality – Rafiqul Tarefder
35Sustainable Mobility and Accessibility Regional Transportation Equity Research (SMARTER) Center and Urban Mobility and Equity Center (UMEC)
o Prediction of Landslide Risks to Improve Highway Safety Using
TRIGRS Applications – Samuel Fadipe
36Transportation Consortium of South-Central States (Tran-SET)
o Advancing Infrastructure Performance through Innovative Engineered Cementitious Composites – Hassan Noorvand
37Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center (TIDC)
o 3D Printing a More Durable Infrastructure – Roberto Lopez-Anido
o Revolutionizing Concrete Reinforcement with Advanced Polymer Pultrusions – Cody Sheltra
o Transformational Monitoring and Capability Assessment – Durable, Sustainable & Cost Effective – Tzuyang Yu
38Transportation Infrastructure Precast Innovation Center (TRANS-IPIC)
o Implementation of Thermally Conductive Precast Concrete Pavement for UHI Mitigation – Samer Dessouky
o The Combined Effect of Nanomaterials and CO2 Curing on Properties of Precast Cementitious Composites – Aniya Edwards
o An Innovative Precast Concrete Bridge Truss System Using Smart Materials – Bassem Andrawes
39University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS)
o Computational Models for Predicting Rail Buckling and Fracture – Yong-Rak Kim
o Continuous Track Condition Assessment Technology from Onboard Vibration Data during Normal Service – Dimitrios Rizos
o Railway Safety Research and Workforce Development at UTCRSUTRGV – Heinrich Foltz
40University Transportation Center for Regional and Rural Connected Communities (CR2C2)
o Assessment of Physical and Digital Infrastructure for Safe Operations of CAVs in Rural Terrains – Mohammed Zakaria
o Development of Testbed of Connected Autonomous Vehicles for Deployment on Rural Roads – Tienake Phuapaiboon
o Enhancing Automated Vehicle Operation and Safety on Rural Roads and Underserved Areas: Challenges and Opportunities – Subhadeep Chakraborty