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US DOT Future of Transportation Summit

The FoT Summit Program

Schedule Subject to Change

Each day’s formal program at the FoT Summit will start at 8:30 am. Please return to this page later for a detailed agenda. However, we request all attendees to arrive at the US DOT Headquarters an hour earlier due to security considerations and the long lines expected for entry into the building.

Note: The 2024 FoT Summit will offer two coffee breaks and a lunch on each of the three days of the program within the US DOT Headquarters. The Evening Networking Reception will occur at the end of the day on August 13, 2024. Therefore, attendees will be responsible for breakfast on all three days of the 2024 FoT Summit, and for dinner on August 14 and August 15, 2024.

Additional information about each UTC listed can be found here or here.

Jump quickly to the

Day 1 Program

Day 2 Program

Day 3 Program

The posters listed in the link below will be available for display and presentation throughout the day around the atrium within the US DOT HQ, where the FoT Summit will be held.

List of Posters

Day 1: August 13, 2024

07:00 am – 08:30 amCheck-in and Registration
TSA-like protocols apply and long lines are expected.
08:30 am – 09:15 amOpening Session
Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Randa Radwan
, Senior Advisor on Safety and Mobility, OST-R, US DOT
Dr. Firas Ibrahim, Director, Office of Research, Development and Technology, US DOT
Christopher Coes, Acting Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy

Dr. Robert Hampshire, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research &Technology and Chief Science Officer, US Department of Transportation
A Vision for The Future of Transportation
Virtual Remarks, Special Guest
Summit Overview
Caesar Singh, Director, US DOT University Grants Center Programs
Prof. Raj Rajkumar, Chair, FoT Summit Steering Committee
09:15 am – 10:15 amMobility Session I
Session Chair: Chandra Bhat, Director, Travel, Behavior Demand National UTC on Mobility
The Exciting Challenges in the Fast-Evolving U.S. Mobility Landscape
Chandra Bhat, Travel Behavior and Demand National UTC on Mobility
Data Dashboards for Behavioral and Wellbeing Insights: A Focus on Time, Travel, and Telework
Irfan Batur, TOMNET Tier 1 UTC
Observations On Emerging Trends in Travel Behavior
Steven Polzin, TOMNET UTC
How is Work from Home Changing Transportation?
Marlon Boarnet, Pacific Southwest Region UTC
10:15 am – 10:30 amCoffee Break
10:30 am – 12:00 pmEnvironment Session I
Session Chair: Susan Handy, Director, NCST National UTC on Sustainability
Toward a Sustainable Transportation System
Susan Handy, National Center for Sustainable Transportation
Advancing Healthy Mobility through Interdisciplinary Research
Joe Zietsman, Center for Advancing Research in Transportation Emissions, Energy, and Health
How Actionable Are Climate Action Plans? A Comprehensive Review and Case Study of Travel Lane Narrowing as a Climate and Safety Solution
Shima Hamidi, Center for Climate-Smart Transportation
How can transit-oriented communities be affordable and sustainable?
Guang Tian, Center for Equitable Transit-Oriented Communities
Innovative Practices to Mitigate Environmental Impacts of Transportation
Ceki Halmen, Environmentally Responsible Transportation Center for Communities of Concern
Building the Evidence Base to Support Policy Transformation
Susan Handy, National Center for Sustainable Transportation
12:00 pm – 01:00 pmLunch Break and Poster Session

BIL UTC Senior Research Officers’ Closed Meeting
01:00 pm – 02:00 pmInfrastructure Session I
Session Chair: Judy Perkins, Director, NCIT National UTC on Infrastructure
FAST Act and BIL Act: High Impactful, Innovative, and Transformative Infrastructure Projects/Programs & Welcome to the National Center for Infrastructure Transformation
Judy Perkins, National Center for Infrastructure Transformation
Innovative Accelerated Solutions to Address Challenges Facing Our Nation’s Bridges
Atorod Azizinamini, IBT/ABCUTC
Lessons Learned with Heavy Highway Workforce Development
Charles Gurganus, National Center for Infrastructure Transformation
Proven FRP Composite Girder Alternative to Structural Steel
William Davids, Transportation Infrastructure Durability Center (TIDC)
02:00 pm – 03:00 pmCybersecurity Session I
Session Chair: Ronnie Chowdhury, Director, TraCR National UTC on Cybersecurity
Cybersecurity and Resiliency of Transportation Systems and Infrastructure
Ronnie Chowdhury, Transportation Cybersecurity and Resiliency (TraCR)
Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence for Securing Transportation Systems
Bhavani Thuraisingham, Transportation Cybersecurity and Resiliency (TraCR)
Fortifying the Future: Building Blocks for Connected and Autonomous Transportation Cybersecurity
Satish Ukkusuri, National Center for Transportation Cybersecurity and
Resiliency (TraCR)
Resolving Legislative Gaps in Transportation Cybersecurity
Trayce Hockstad, National Center for Transportation Cybersecurity and
Resiliency (TraCR)
03:00 pm – 03:15 pmCoffee Break
03:15 pm – 04:30 pmSafety Session I
Session Chair: Raj Rajkumar, Director, Safety21 National UTC
Challenges and Opportunities for Transportation Safety
Raj Rajkumar, Safety21 National UTC on Promoting Safety
Resilient Design of Bridges under Multiple Hazards
Genda Chen, Mid-America Transportation Center
Concrete Practices for Safe System Implementation
Justin M. Owens, Collaborative Sciences Center for Road Safety
Advances in On-Board Condition Monitoring for Railway Safety
Constantine Tarawneh, University Transportation Center for Railway Safety (UTCRS)
Improving Vulnerable Road User Safety via Mixed Research Methods
Michael Knodler, Region 1 New England Regional Transportation Center
Safety of Long-Span Bridges Vulnerable to Large Container Ship
Anil Agrawal, Region 2 SEMPACT University Transportation Center
04:30 pm – 05:30 pmStakeholder Roundtable Panel I
Moderator: Ben Levine, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology Director, US DOT
Dr. Chris Atkinson, Deputy Director, ARPA-I
Kathy Dedrick, Staff Director, House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure
Dave Huft, Intelligent Transportation Systems Program Manager, South Dakota DOT
Shaun Kildare, Senior Director of Research, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety
Shari Shapiro, Lime, Head of Global Policy
05:30 pm – 05:35 pmDay’s Summary – Randa Radwan
Reception Logistics – Karen Lightman, Executive Director of Safety21 National UTC and FoT Summit Events Committee Chair
05:35 pmAdjourn for Day 1 at US DOT HQ
05:45 pm Networking Reception at Dacha Beer Garden at Navy Yard

Day 2: August 14, 2024

07:30 am – 08:30 amCheck-in and Registration
TSA-like protocols apply and long lines are expected
08:30 am – 08:35 amDay 1 Recap
Dr. Randa Radwan, Senior Advisor on Safety and Mobility, OST-R, US DOT
08:35 am – 09:30 amFoT Panel #1: Modal Administrations’ Executives
Moderator: Dr. Robert Hampshire, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Research and Technology and Chief Science Officer, US Department of Transportation
Shailen Bhatt, Administrator, Federal Highway Administration (FHWA)
Jack Kammerer, Executive Director, Maritime Administration (MARAD)
Vinn White, Acting Administrator, Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA)
Jennifer Mitchell, Deputy Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration (FRA)
Veronica Vanterpool, Acting Administrator, Federal Transit Administration (FTA)
Sophie Shulman, Administrator, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
Jessica Sypniewski, Deputy Assistant Administrator for NextGen
09:30 am – 10:30 amInfrastructure Session II
Session Chair: Patrick Szary, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation & National Center for Infrastructure Transformation
Understanding RC Deck Performance through Accelerated Testing
John Braley, Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)
Use of Lidar and Thermal Images for Bridge Deck Inspection
Kwanghee Won, National Center for Transportation Infrastructure Durability and Life-Extension
Automated Bridge Inspection and Maintenance
Implementation of a Novel Adaptive Prestressing System in Railroad Concrete Crossties
Bassem Andrawes, Transportation Infrastructure Precast Innovation Center (TRANS-IPIC)
10:30 am – 10:45 amCoffee Break
10:45 am – 11:45 amSafety Session II
Session Chair: Henry Liu, Director, CCAT Region 5 UTC
Safety Assessment of Autonomous Vehicles
Henry Liu, CCAT Regional UTC
Safeguarding Roadside Workers: Innovations in Smart Work Zone Safety
Michael Mollenhauer, Safety Through Disruption (Safe-D) National UTC
Connected and Autonomous Vehicles for Road and Worker Safety
Raj Rajkumar, Safety21 National UTC on Promoting Safety
Investigating Vulnerable Road User Safety in Disadvantaged Communities-Application of the Safe Systems Approach
Asad Khattak, University of Tenessee at Knoxville
11:45 am – 12:30 pmLunch Break and Poster Session
12:30 am – 01:15 pmMobility Session II
Session Chair: Chandra Bhat, Director, TBD National UTC on Mobility
How Complete Streets Affects Mode Choice: An AI Method for Level of Traffic Stress Classification
Cinzia Cirillo, Center for Multi-Modal Mobility (CMMM)
Cargo Consolidation, Routing, and Location Optimization to Reduce Traffic Congestion
Mario Monsreal, National Institute for Congestion Reduction
AI-Enabled Development and Deployment of Microtransit Autonomous Vehicles in Rural Environments
Ali Karimoddini, Center for Regional and Rural Connected Communities (CR2C2) Region 4 UTC
01:15 pm – 02:00 pmCybersecurity Session II
Session Chair: Ronnie Chowdhury, Director, TraCR National UTC on Cybersecurity
“I am Not Afraid of the GPS Jammer”: Exploiting Terrestrial and Non-terrestrial Signals for Navigation
Zak Kassas, CARMEN+: Center for Automated Vehicles Research with Multimodal AssurEd Navigation
Creating Security Approaches for Advanced Traffic Management Systems (ATMS) against Cyber Attack
Jack (Yunpeng) Zhang, USDOT Tier-1 UTC Transportation Cybersecurity Center for Advanced Research and Education (CYBER-CARE)
Resilient Positioning Navigation and Timing for Advanced Transportation Systems
Boris Pervan, Center for Assured & Resilient Navigation in Advanced
Transportation Systems (CARNATIONS)
02:00 pm – 02:45 pmStakeholder Roundtable Panel II
Moderator: Patricia, Hu, Director, US DOT Bureau of Transportation Statistics
Alison Premo Black, Senior Vice President & Chief Economist, ARTBA
Diane Gutierrez-Scaccetti, Chief of Staff, Governor of New Jersey
Alan McQuinn, Professional Staff, Research and Technology Subcommittee, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
Dong Tan, President, IEEE Transportation Electrification Council
Greg Winfree, Former Assistant Secretary of USDOT and Director, Texas A&M Transportation Institute
02:45 pm- 02:50 pmOverview of Demos – Karen Lightman
02:50 pm – 03:00 pmCoffee Break continues through Indoor Demo and Posters period
03:00 pm – 04:30 pmIndoor Live Demonstrations & Poster/Desktop Display Session
04:30 pm – 06:30 pmOutdoor Live Demonstrations
06:30 pmAdjourn for Day 2

Day 3: August 15, 2024

07:30 am – 08:30 amCheck-in and Registration
TSA-like security protocols apply and long lines are expected.
08:30 am – 08:40 amDay 2 Recap and Plenary Announcements
Dr. Randa Radwan, Senior Advisor on Safety and Mobility, OST_R, US DOT
08:40 am – 09:30 amFoT Panel #2: Federal and Non-Profit Leaders
Moderator: Laura Chace, CEO & President of ITS America
Michael Berube, Deputy Assistant Secretary, Department of Energy
Mung Chiang, President, Purdue University
Susan Margulies, Assistant Director, Directorate for Engineering, National Science Foundation
Roger Millar, Secretary of Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT)
09:30 am – 10:30 amMobility Session III
Session Chair: Kaan Ozbay, DIrector, C2SMART Center
Deployment of a Computer Vision-based Tool to Reduce Urban Congestion and Improve Airport Traffic
Kaan Ozbay, C2SMARTER Center
DataCity Smart Mobility Testing Ground
Peter Jin, Region 2: Center for Advanced Infrastructure and Transportation (CAIT)
Traffic Signal Control under Connected Vehicle Environment: Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach
Dr. Wei Fan, Center for Advanced Multimodal Mobility Solutions and Education (CAMMSE)
Traffic Impacts and Solutions Following the Francis Scott Key Bridge Collapse
Mansoureh Jeihani, SMARTER Center
10:30 am – 10:45 amCoffee Break
10:45 am – 11:45 amInfrastructure Session III
Session Chair: Md Jobair Bin Alam, National Center for Infrastructure Transformation
Development of Titanium Alloy Bars that Strengthen and Preserve Transportation Infrastructure
Christopher Higgins, Coastal Research and Education Actions for Transportation Equity (CREATE) Center
Prediction and assessment of flood risk for rural and tribal communities
Musharraf Zaman, Southern Plains Transportation Center
Beyond Net-Zero Engineered Concrete
Maria Konsta-Gdoutos, Tier 1 University Transportation Center For Durable and Resilient Transportation Infrastructure (DuRe-Transp)
The Future of Low-Carbon Concrete Materials
Jeffrey Bullard, IBT/ABCUTC
11:45 am – 12:45 pmPoster Session and Lunch Break
12:45 pm – 01:45 pmWorkforce Development Panel Discussion
Moderator:  Musharraf Zaman, Director, Southern Plains Transportation Center, University of Oklahoma
Marshall Rich, Dean, Applied Technology, Workforce, and Economic Development, Blinn College District
Kamryn Carter, Graduate of Highway Construction Workforce Partnership Program, Quality Control Lab Technician, Knife River
Jamaine Gibson, The Amalgamated Transit Union’s Director of Apprenticeships and Workforce Development
Mansoureh Jeihani, Director, SMARTER Regional UTC, – Region 3, Morgan State University
01:45 pm – 02:30 pmFoT Panel #3: Industry
Moderator: Raj Rajkumar, Director, Safety21 National UTC
Greg Bowles, Head of Government Affairs, Joby Aviation
Mauricio Peña, Chief Safety Officer, Waymo
Nat Beuse, Vice President of Safety, Aurora
02:30 pm – 02:45 pmCoffee Break
02:45 pm – 03:15 pmClosing Remarks and Next Steps
03:15 pm – 03:30 pmPhoto session with US DOT Executives and UTC Directors including new UTCs and HBCUs
03:30 pm – 05:00 pmOST-R Closed-Door Meeting of UTC Directors
Caesar Singh, Director, University Grants Program, OST-R, US DOT
FoT Summit Organizing Committee and Advisors
UTC Directors
US Department of Transportation
05:00 pmFoT Summit adjourns